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Equality Duty


At Lostock Hall Primary School we aim to:

  • Strive to ensure that the culture and ethos of the school is one in which everyone is equally valued and treats one another with respect.
  • Encourage, support and enable all pupils and staff to reach their full potential.
  • Challenge all forms of prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping and promote equality, good relationships and good practice.


  • To narrow the gap between all groups of children (e.g. free school meals, school action/school action plus, summer born, cared for children, English as an additional language) in attainment in writing at the end of Key Stage 2 so that average point scores for these groups are in line with the whole school.
  • Tackle and eliminate stereotyping in all areas of the school community so that community cohesion can be graded 1.


At Lostock Hall we believe that all members of the school community have a responsibility to work towards maintaining and achieving these aims and objectives. To this end:

  • Children in vulnerable groups will be highlighted in the tracking system so that progress can be monitored, at least half termly, and actions put in place to maintain progress in line with other groups.
  • Progress made by children on the SEN register is tracked separately and compared with whole school data by the SENCo on a termly basis.
  • Links with the wider community are fostered and celebrated, e.g. international links with Kenya; visits from the PCSO’s; links with community groups.
  • Issues are tackled and highlighted throughout other curriculum areas.
  • Use is made of outreach support services for vulnerable children.
  • We maintain our status as an equal opportunities employer.
  • We have been awarded with the Inclusion Quality Mark.

Lostock Hall Primary School

Mallard Crescent, Poynton, Stockport, Cheshire SK12 1XG